Dicta Ira


By: Tomasz Gronczewski

General notes | twisting turnbuckles | tips

General notes

The method that I am describing is meant to replicate turnbuckles out of fishing line but it is really unimportant what sort of plain line will be attached to turnbuckles later on. Also I suppose it can be very easy to apply the method to real wire rigging.

Twisting turnbuckles

I use 0.08mm fishing line (I am metric guy) to "twist" turnbuckles.

First I cut ca. 5cm (2 inch) of the line (hereinafter called line "A"), then I bend the line "A" in the middle and lock both tips in one self-locking tweezer. U-shaped line remaining outside tweezers should be no bigger than 1cm (ca. 1/3 inch). I tighten the line "A" using U-shaped thin copper rod.

Keeping the copper rod in one hand I vigorously spin the tweezers with the line "A", until the line is rolled into turnbuckle.

Keeping everything tightened I smear the turnbuckle with CA glue.

After a minute, when CA glue is supposed to have dried, I remove brass rod, and as a result a hollow "ear" emerges at the end of turnbuckle. I thread the other long fishing line (hereinafter called line "B") through the "ear". 

I tight-up a little knot.

I pour a droplet of CA glue onto the knot and cut excess end of the line "B"

I paint whole line dragging it through a drop of Aeromaster flat Black.
